Don't get me wrong; it was a beautiful wedding. I've known Tawni and Nate for years and I am so happy for them. I just feel really, really old! I also can't even fathom getting married at this point in my life. For that to happen, of course, I would first need to find a boy that was interested in me, something that seems unlikely, but that minor detail aside, I couldn't ever see myself getting married before about 25 anyways.
All of this has been so hard for me to process. For one, I'm barely used to the idea of Tawni and Nate being engaged. They dated for over a year in high school, but they broke up early in senior year and things were a bit awkward for a while. By the time we graduated everything was peachy keen, but they were just friends. They got back together last January, and they were engaged by Valentine's Day. I'm not sure I even knew they were dating again before Facebook told me they were engaged! They love each other so much, though, and I know God is guiding their lives, and I know they're going to be very happy together.
The other day in my Music in Film class we watched the opening sequence of The Sound of Music, and I was suddenly struck by a deluge of memories. Tawni and I became friends during our freshman year of high school, thanks largely to marching band and Spanish class, but one thing that really cemented our friendship was our school's production of The Sound of Music. We were both cast as nuns, so we spent a lot of time learning music together and then a lot of time playing cards and tossing a tennis ball around and generally goofing off when we weren't on stage. That all feels like it was only a year ago, two at most, but no...that was FIVE years ago! I've spent so many treasured times with Tawni in the last five-plus years, but I just can't figure out where any of that time went.
I've only known Nate since our junior year of high school, when he transferred from the local Christian school, but I have so many memories with him as well, mostly from our Drama Club adventures. At the wedding, when Nate stepped out in a white tux, I couldn't help but laugh to myself as I remembered our junior prom...Tawni's dress was white, so Nate was the only boy in our group wearing a white tux, and I can still hear Tawni's mom exclaiming, "Nate, you shine like a little angel!"
I don't like growing up. To be honest, I've never really liked it, but I suppose it's inevitable. There's not much else I can do, except reiterate how much I love Tawni and Nate and wait to see where God takes all of us next...

Tawni and me, The Sound of Music, 2004
Tawni and Nate, junior prom, 2006
Nate and me, graduation, 2007
Me, Tawni, Nate, and my sister Alicia, February 13, 2010