Geesh -- I really can't believe it's been four weeks since I was at LeakyCon. (Yes, LC is still my most talked-about and thought-about topic, lol.) The depression aspect of it is slowly drifting away, as I knew it would, and it really helps that we've got LeakyCon 2011 to look forward to. I'm saving up already. :)
Another thing that helps is seeing conclusive proof that the Harry Potter phenomenon will carry on just as strongly in future generations. I'm currently in Black Mountain, North Carolina, where I'll be attending a worship and music conference next week, but for now I'm a guest at my pseudo-family's family reunion. One of the little ones, Grady (age two), is completely obsessed with Harry Potter!! He spent all day yesterday asking to watch a Harry Potter movie, and he finally got to watch Sorcerer's Stone after dinner. He sat on the couch and stared at the computer with the DVD case clutched in one hand and the Hagrid action figure he inherited from his cousin in the other. He loves the Sorting Hat scene (video here: His mom said they were listening to HBP in the car on the way here, and he's too young to really pay attention to the story, but when he hears a name he knows, he perks up and repeats it. ("Harry Potter!" "Sirius Black!") Nothing makes me happier than knowing children are going to grow up reading and loving books in general, and HP in particular!!
Two of my kids are Potter lovers too. My 3 year old loves when we are out and about and he sees something "Potter" as he calls it. My 8 year old daughter loves Hermione and there was this huge display at our local mall movie theater and she made me take her picture with the Hermione side of it :) three cheers for Potter fandom living on!!