Monday, August 15, 2011

BEDA Day 14: Best friends forever

I wrote a couple of weeks ago about my friend Mel getting married. She's not the first of my friends to get married, but she's the first of my friends whom I see on a pretty regular basis to get married. Even though she went to college in Missouri, we always managed to hang out on a pretty regular basis. In particular, I recall long hours driving around the county in her car, softening my aversion to most country music.

Needless to say, I didn't quite know what it would be like to have my best friend suddenly being a married woman. (I do have to say, it's been amusing to hear her stories of adjusting to married life and how no one told her that everything about your routine, including the way you brush your teeth, would change!) It's been pretty normal at work, of course, since we just do work things and deal with the kids and it's essentially the same every day. We've only really done one non-work-related thing since the wedding, but that was really pretty structured since we drove all over creation to get gifts for a baby shower for our friends Tawni and Nate, then went to Mel's mom's house to wrap our gifts, then went to the baby shower. So I didn't know what it would be like when we were just hanging out.

Mel came over tonight after work and had dinner, because Derek was working till, like, 10:30. Also, my sister cleaned a bunch of clothes that don't fit her anymore out of her closet, and because Mel is tiny and has been borrowing my sister's clothes for years, she wanted to see if anything would fit her. We sat around and watched TV for a while and were just generally silly, and then we went upstairs and she tried on a lot of the clothes, and we were just generally silly, and everything was totally normal. I always knew that Mel getting married would mean some big changes, and I always knew that we'll be best friends for the rest of our lives, but it's nice to have some reassurance that the one thing hasn't had an enormous impact on the other.

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