Directly after the reception and getting everything cleaned up at the park, the families of the bride and groom and the wedding party went back to Mel's church to clean things up there. It was around 5:30-6:00, and the sky was starting to look really nasty, and the wind was picking up. As I mentioned before, it had been exceedingly hot and sunny all day, and in Ohio, that kind of weather early on a summer's day often means there will be a thunderstorm in the afternoon or evening. It took less than half an hour to get the bulk of things cleaned up at the church, and the sky had taken on the greenish cast that means a really, really, really bad storm is coming. The wind was blowing dust from the dirt/gravel parking lot in circles, and I decided I'd better head out right away. (It's only about seven miles to my house.) I hugged everyone goodbye and promised I'd call Mel when I got home.
The wind was buffeting my little Honda Accord from side to side as I hurried down the road, not to the point that I was crossing the center line, but certainly enough to be disconcerting, and there were lots of branches flying through the air. It started to rain really, really hard right as I turned onto 257, but I was still more concerned with the wind. There are tons of trees surrounding this long, very curvy stretch of road, and things were still flying everywhere. Right as I was going through a teeny tiny, bump-in-the-road town, I heard this terrifying sound that was like a huge rock smacking the body of my car. Then I looked up and saw a golf ball-sized hole in the top left corner of my windshield and saw the glass spiderwebbing all the way across in front of me. It had to have been a pretty large tree branch that hit my car; I never actually saw what it was because it didn't come inside. I completely freaked out and didn't know whether to pull over or keep going, but I was almost home, and I could actually see halfway decently, so I just decided to suck it up and keep going. I groped around for my phone and managed to call my mom and have her move her car out of the garage so I could park there, and to her credit, she didn't flip out when I told her what was going on.
I finally made it home and parked in the garage, and I just totally lost it. I really can't remember the last time I cried so hysterically. I was wet, and I was completely covered in teeny tiny shards of glass. It was all in my hair (which was still done up from the wedding), all over my face, in my mouth, down my was horrible. But my family was amazing and helped me clean off, and all I got was this miniscule cut on my wrist that didn't even require a band-aid. My windshield got replaced two days later, and it's perfectly fine, although I do kind of miss the Virginia vehicle inspection sticker that was still on the old windshield from when the car belonged to my grampy.
So really, I'm pretty sure the Whomping Willow is trying to kill me, because that was the third time in my life that I had the thought, "I'm going to die right now," and both of the other times had to do with trees as well. The second was the time I almost got eaten by the Log Monster, and the first was when Mel was driving me home from a friend's graduation party in 2008 and we almost slammed head-on into a gigantic tree. So, yeah. Trees are apparently not my friends.
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